Thursday, October 1, 2015

Here are 5 ways Nepalis are trying to deal with the fuel crisis

Sep 30, 2015- The shortage of petrol, due to a blockade on essential supplies to Nepal,  is making daily commute difficult for Nepalis. But citizens have come up with creative ideas, many social media-based, to tackle the crisis and help one another. 
Here are a few! 


Through crowdsourcing, 'Seatkhalicha' offers a way to register a vacant seat so they can match someone in need of a ride with someone who is willing to offer a lift. By providing  details, you register your vacant seat. 


Another instance of crowdsourcing, this web app allows you to enter a ‘pick up’ and “drop off” information with two buttons ‘Ask’ and ‘Offer’ 

3. Facebook Groups and Twitter Hashtags. 

A Facebook Group titled ‘Carpool Kathmandu’ has already gathered over 10,000 followers. This page matches people who are willing to offer rides with those who need a ride.  “Let us make this forum warm, welcoming and safe for everyone to use. If someone only wants to offer ride to women, let them do that. You see at least someone is being helped,” reads a post on the page.

People have also been using #SayYesToLifts and #HelpNepal to help one another.


4. Cycle around the city 

Due to the lack of fuel, a lot of people have taken to cycling to work.  Promoters of a cycle friendly city have also been carrying out rallies to promote cycling around the city. Gaurav Shrestha  who is a part of the campaign ‘Kathmandu Cycle City 2020’  says he has been receiving a lot of phone calls from people who want to buy bicycles. 


5.  Men's Room Reloaded

Men’s Room Reloaded, a Facebook Group, has started a campaign in which people paste MRR’s stickers on their bikes, or put on a MRR tee-shirt or a badge. People can wave at bikes carrying this sticker, and they will be helped. The campaign specifically states that they will prioritise children, elderly and women

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