Thursday, October 1, 2015

FNJ concerned over possible closure of media sector

Oct 1, 2015- Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) on Thursday expressed concerns over the direct effect born by Nepali media and journalists due to the protests across the country waged against the new constitution.
In a statement today, the umbrella body of Nepali journalists also shed light on the chaotic situation in the aftermath of the ‘unofficial blockade’ imposed by India.
Highlighting the role played by media fraternity at this critical juncture, the FNJ has urged the government and concerned stakeholders to provide and make necessary arrangement and security for the media sector.
Also, the FNJ has made a special request to government and agitating parties to seek a political solution to the current crisis by holding decisive talks with utmost flexibility.
Mentioning about the closure of daily newspapers in Biratnagar, the FNJ drew the attention of government and the agitating parties to the possible of shutdown of media sectors across the nation if the essential materials including petroleum products and newsprints directly connected with printing, publishing and broadcasting of news could not be imported due to the restriction of vehicular movement in Tarai region.
Also, hinting at India, the FNJ’s said, “Instead of inciting Nepal to resolve its internal affairs by itself, India’s latest activities like ‘undeclared’ blockade, political pressure and intervention are condemnable.”
The FNJ has urged India to uphold the centuries old Nepal-India friendship and immediately call off their ‘unofficial blockade’ without any preconditions and thus present a respectable behaviour towards their friend neighbour.

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